On the first day of September in the year 2023, I embarked on the initial steps of my cannabis On the first day of September in the year 2023, I embarked on the initial steps of my cannabis home growing journey by dropping two prized seeds into a glass of water. Patiently, I awaited the next 48 hours, allowing the seeds to absorb moisture and initiate the germination process.
As the clock ticked away, I carefully transferred the hydrated seeds onto a pristine paper towel, tenderly nurturing their growth potential. The paper towel served as a gentle cradle, welcoming the seeds to unfurl and extend their taproots into the unknown. With precision and anticipation, I provided the ideal conditions, allowing them to rest undisturbed for the next 2 to 3 days.
During this delicate period, I observed the seeds, eagerly awaiting the emergence of their taproots. Each passing moment seemed to hold the promise of a new beginning—a slender, embryonic root aiming to reach a length of 1.5 inches or more. This humble taproot, an emblem of life's resilience and the genesis of a cannabis plant, gradually extended its reach within the nurturing confines of the paper towel.
The waiting game became a testament to patience and anticipation. Days transitioned into an immersive process of observation and gentle care, as I diligently monitored the paper towel's progress. It was a time of quiet excitement, knowing that beneath the surface, nature was unfolding in its intricate dance of growth and renewal.
As the days passed, the journey of these seeds mirrored the cycle of life—each day marking progress in the unseen realm of germination. With unwavering hope and a touch of excitement, I awaited the day when these tiny yet powerful taproots would signify readiness, signaling the next phase of this awe-inspiring journey into cannabis home growing.
Light: 0 / Natural
Temp: 70 F*
Humidity: 75+ %
Start: 9/1/2023
End: 9/5/2023
To Be Continued...