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Day 32: 10/1/23

I attended to the nurturing needs of all three plants, providing them with a carefully balanced mixture of nutrients to support their growth. Each plant received a tailored feeding regime consisting of 4ml of Cal-Mag and 3ml of Grow Big, meticulously measured and mixed into 1 gallon of pH-balanced water, maintaining an optimal pH level of 5.8-6.0.


In addition to the nutrient feeding, I prioritized the cleanliness and maintenance of the growing environment. As part of this routine, I diligently emptied and cleaned the Auto water-wicking bases, ensuring a pristine and hygienic setting for the plants' development.


With a keen eye on the environmental factors influencing growth, I made calculated adjustments to the growing conditions. The grow lights were positioned at a height of 24 inches and set to level 4 (about 40%), aiming to provide the plants with adequate light exposure without causing stress. Concurrently, I fine-tuned the humidity levels to 70% - 75% and maintained a consistent temperature in the mid-70s, optimizing the growing environment to foster healthy plant growth.


Observing the response of one of the plants post-watering, I noticed a slight drop in its leaves, potentially indicating temporary stress due to watering. In response, I decided to withhold further watering until the leaves regained their vigor and perked back up, ensuring that the plant wasn't overwatered and allowing it time to recover naturally.


This meticulous care regimen tailored to each plant's individual needs underscored my commitment to fostering a nurturing environment, striking a delicate balance between nutrient provision, environmental factors, and responsive care to ensure the plants' optimal health and growth.

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