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Day 3 Planting time – 9/3/23

Updated: May 11

Today, I embarked on a crucial phase of my cannabis cultivation journey as I transferred my young seedlings into solo cups filled with a nurturing mix of coco and perlite. To kickstart their growth, I took special care to ensure the soil was perfectly moist before planting, providing an optimal environment for the seeds to germinate and establish their roots firmly.


Maintaining a delicate balance in nurturing these seedlings, I adhered to a precise watering schedule. Every 2 to 3 days, I tenderly administered a mere 10-15ml of water, allowing the soil to gradually dry out between watering intervals. This meticulous approach aimed to deliver just the right amount of hydration, avoiding any risk of overwatering that could overwhelm the delicate seedlings.


Upon reaching a significant height of 6+ inches, a clear sign of their robust growth and resilience, I made a pivotal decision to elevate their cultivation journey. This involved the crucial step of relocating the seedlings into the grow tent— a controlled environment tailored to nurture their continuous growth and development.


Placing each seedling into the well-moistened grow medium nestled within the solo cups, I ensured their seed heads rested at or just below the surface, providing them with an ideal setting to thrive. With a watchful eye, I diligently checked the soil's moisture levels every two days, making precise adjustments by administering 5-10ml of water whenever necessary. This nurturing routine aimed to maintain optimal hydration levels without saturating the soil.


This nurturing and attentive care regimen will persist for approximately two weeks, allowing these young seedlings to establish robust root systems and growth patterns within the confines of their solo cups. Following this crucial period of nurturing, they will be ready to take the next leap in their growth journey—transitioning into larger grow bags within the tent, where they'll continue their flourishing expansion under controlled conditions.

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