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Day 25: 9/25/23

On this significant day in my cannabis cultivation journey, a crucial milestone was achieved as I transitioned the thriving seedlings from their nurturing solo cups into larger pots filled with soil. As I carefully uprooted the seedlings of Northern Lights, I was greeted by a magnificent sight—the bottom of the cups revealed remarkable root growth, a testament to their robust health and vigor.


Prepared with precision and care, I had previously prepped a nutrient solution, which I meticulously applied post-transplantation. Each pot received 1/4 gallon of this nutrient-rich solution, providing the young plants with essential elements crucial for their continued growth and development. Ensuring a smooth transition, I gently rolled down the soil around the sides of the pot, adjusting the seedlings' positioning to settle them comfortably at about 3 inches below the soil's surface.


Hydration is key to the seedlings' successful transition, with this in mind I added 1 gallon of pH-balanced water only to the auto-wicking base of each pot, ensuring the soil was thoroughly moistened while maintaining an optimal pH level conducive to nutrient absorption.


Observing the progress of the " Mystery Budd " planted, I noticed a distinctive growth pattern emerging—a bonsai-style development that captured my attention. The evolution of this plant took on a unique form, promising a character all its own. Contemplating the potential naming of this intriguing plant, I envisioned a humorous and fitting moniker—"Mystery Bonsai Budd” should it continue to manifest its distinctive characteristics. Captivated by these developments, I resolved to intensify my observations and photographic documentation, marking this phase as a pivotal moment for close monitoring and recording of its growth.


With a sense of anticipation and dedication, I committed myself to nurturing and observing these plants more closely as they evolved, capturing their journey through the lens of my camera to document their unique and captivating transformation.


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